Hittites, Mitannians, Kassites, Hyksos, and Assyrians
Hittites, Mitannians,
Kassites, Hyksos, and Assyrians
The War God of Mountaineers--Antiquity of Hittite
Civilization--Prehistoric Movements of "Broad Heads"--Evidence of
Babylon and Egypt--Hittites and Mongolians--Biblical References
to Hittites in Canaan--Jacob's Mother and her
Daughters-in-law--Great Father and Great Mother Cults--History in
Mythology--The Kingdom of Mitanni--Its Aryan Aristocracy--The
Hyksos Problem--The Horse in Warfare--Hittites and
Mitannians--Kassites and Mitannians--Hyksos Empire in
Asia--Kassites overthrow Sealand Dynasty--Egyptian Campaigns in
Syria--Assyria in the Making--Ethnics of Genesis--Nimrod as
Merodach--Early Conquerors of Assyria--Mitannian
Overlords--Tell-el-Amarna Letters--Fall of Mitanni--Rise of
Hittite and Assyrian Empires--Egypt in Eclipse--Assyrian and
Babylonian Rivalries.
When the
Hammurabi Dynasty, like the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, is found to
be suffering languid decline, the gaps in the dulled historical
records are filled with the echoes of the thunder god, whose
hammer beating resounds among the northern mountains. As this
deity comes each year in Western Asia when vegetation has
withered and after fruits have dropped from trees, bringing
tempests and black rainclouds to issue in a new season of growth
and fresh activity, so he descended from the hills in the second
millennium before the Christian era as the battle lord of
invaders and the stormy herald of a new age which was to dawn
upon the ancient world.
He was the war god of the Hittites as well as of the northern Amorites,
the Mitannians, and the Kassites; and he led the Aryans from the
Iranian steppes towards the verdurous valley of the Punjab. His
worshippers engraved his image with grateful hands on the
beetling cliffs of Cappadocian chasms in Asia Minor, where his
sway was steadfast and pre-eminent for long centuries. In one
locality he appears mounted on a bull wearing a fringed and
belted tunic with short sleeves, a conical helmet, and upturned
shoes, while he grasps in one hand the lightning symbol, and in
the other a triangular bow resting on his right shoulder. In
another locality he is the bringer of grapes and barley sheaves.
But his most familiar form is the bearded and thick-set
mountaineer, armed with a ponderous thunder hammer, a flashing
trident, and a long two-edged sword with a hemispherical knob on
the hilt, which dangles from his belt, while an antelope or goat
wearing a pointed tiara prances beside him. This deity is
identical with bluff, impetuous Thor of northern Europe, Indra of
the Himalayas, Tarku of Phrygia, and Teshup or Teshub of Armenia
and northern Mesopotamia, Sandan, the Hercules of Cilicia, Adad
or Hadad of Amurru and Assyria, and Ramman, who at an early
period penetrated Akkad and Sumer in various forms. His Hittite
name is uncertain, but in the time of Rameses II he was
identified with Sutekh (Set). He passed into southern Europe as
Zeus, and became "the lord" of the deities of the Aegean and
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